I attended a varsity football practice during playoff week, and it was scary

So I had this dream…to show up at a football practice and to be wearing my brother’s old helmet and jersey. I wanted the kids to be absolutely confused and afraid of me. Turns out, karma had a different plan. I ended up being the one who was scared and confused.

It is insane to watch these guys whack one another, and I was perfectly happy to be sitting on the sidelines. These poor freshman and sophomores are just little whack-a-moles. With underclassmen popping up and down as the huge guys stand over the machine with hammers. These poor kids are told to “step up” and therefore must volunteer themselves as a sacrifice in the name of football, something they actually do gladly.

The coaches are very caring yet very intimidating. It is almost like being in the presence of a king when Coach Keel is talking to you. It is easy to tell the reason all of these players and other coaches respect him.  I found myself thinking that having something as elite and high pressure as Highlander football must be a lot for these kids to handle at such a young age.

I remember my brother coming home and telling me how hard football was that day. At the time, I didn’t understand what he was complaining about. But after watching these guys use all their aggression and anger on one another, I understand how exhausting that must have been for him. There is a huge difference between watching football on TV and being right in front of the players, seeing their faces and hearing the clashing of helmets.

From observing this practice, I realized that being on a team like this is something that a player would remember for life. Remembering that one game back in 2016 where they defeated Cedarburg in the last 20 seconds is a story these players will be able to tell for ever. Honestly, I am quite jealous of the bond they all share. These players put a ton of hard work and heart into practice, and it shows off under those intense Friday night lights.

I would like to extend a huge thank you to the coaches and players for allowing me to observe their practice.