Bella Gabor and Megan Siatczynski, seniors, touch hands during a dance in the One Act play titled “The Cave.” (Sasha Shapsis)
Bella Gabor and Megan Siatczynski, seniors, touch hands during a dance in the One Act play titled “The Cave.”

Sasha Shapsis

One Act qualifies for state

November 13, 2018

Homestead’s most advanced theater class, One Act, has qualified with their  piece inspired by Plato’s ‘Allegory of the Cave’ as one of two student productions to compete for a variety of awards at the state competition in Lacrosse Nov. 15 – 17 at Viterbo University.

The One Act class began developing the original piece this past summer, in preparation for the competitions leading up to state. “We decided to change things up a bit this year by developing our own show completely from scratch with the help of Ms. [Amelia] FIgg-Franzoi. This past summer we met in the black box and used different compositional prompts to form the show to what it is now,” Megan Siatczynski, senior said.

The young actors drew inspiration from this veteran piece and contributed their own modern-day application and individuality with help from Figg-Franzoi,  drama teacher.

“The message we are bringing to light is very applicable to today’s events. We see ignorance and hatred crushing knowledge and innocence, and this behavior has become the norm, and our production comments on the importance of knowledge, teaching others and having an openness to gain knowledge,” Bella Gabor, senior said.

Each and every student was involved in creating and rehearsing this unique production.

“It was amazing to be able to write, direct and perform in my first One Act experience. It was rather self directed, and each person was much more involved than we have been in past productions., Leila Mohsenian, sophomore, said.



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