Swim, bike, run: Triathlon gym class competes in sprint triathlon
June 4, 2015
A 2.4-mile swim, a 112-mile bike ride and an entire marathon (26.2 miles) completes an Iron Man Triathlon. Most people cannot even imagine how one would complete this race. Before competing, a person must train extensively in order to attain the necessary physical shape. Triathlons, not only Iron Mans, require training and persistence as well. Luckily, Homestead offers proper training for this kind of race.

On June 3, Homestead’s triathlon gym class hosted its very own mini-sprint triathlon. This specific triathlon consisted of a .25-mile swim, 7-mile bike ride and a 2.5-mile run. While this race was not exactly an Iron Man, and a little less than a normal sprint triathlon, it still tested the students’ athleticism. “I had a lot of fun in the class and I would definitely encourage other people to take it! Doing the actual triathlon was nerve wracking but also really fun and I was happy I completed it,” Tenley Sanduski, senior, said. Sanduski will also compete in a triathlon this Sunday, June 7.
Throughout the entire trimester, the students in this gym class practice swimming, biking and running in preparation for their final race. The students also utilized the weight room to gain strength. “It was a bunch of fun. Mr. Benson trained us by having everybody practice each discipline multiple times a week. Plus we played dodgeball every week,” Patrick Norman, junior, said.

The students line up along the pool before the start of the race.
Thomas Miller, sophomore, finished first with a time of less than 45 minutes. Miller also runs track and cross country, which set him at an advantage. “It was a lot of fun and we had a fun class to do it with. It ended the way I was hoping, so all in all, it was a great time,” Miller said.
Do you have any interest in signing up for your own triathlon? Here is where you can sign up!