Haddad travels into freshman year
Every Friday, Highlander Publications chooses a freshman to be featured in “Freshman Friday,” giving the student population the opportunity to get to know its freshman class. Read below to learn about this week’s freshman, Haley Haddad.
Who is in your family?
My mom, dad, Allie (17), Jordan (16), and Jake (9).
Where is your favorite place you’ve traveled?
Hawaii. There is always something to do and the weather is amazing.
Do you have any pets?
No, they died.
If you could travel with anybody, dead or alive, who would it be and why?
Kim Kardashian because I think she’s entertaining.
What sports do you play?
Cross country and soccer, but I like soccer more.
What are you looking forward to in your future years at HHS?
I’m looking forward to joining new clubs and getting more involved.
If you were a shoe, what kind of shoe would you be?
A Birkenstock because everyone loves them.
What is your favorite jolly rancher flavor?

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