Mangan chosen as new Arrowhead athletic director

Mr. Ryan Mangan will begin his position as Arrowhead’s athletic director on July 1, 2016.
After a six-year tenure at Homestead, Mr. Ryan Mangan accepted a position as Arrowhead High School’s new activities/athletic director last Wednesday, March 23. He will finish the school year at Homestead and begin his new position on July 1.
According to an Arrowhead Union High School press release, the School Board approved Mr. Mangan’s contract during a “special board meeting” on March 23. He will replace Mr. Kevin Flegner, who will transfer to the Oconomowoc Area School District.
Sixty-eight individuals applied for the opening at Arrowhead, after which six candidates were interviewed by panels composed of students, parents, coaches, advisors and administrators. According to Laura Myrah, Arrowhead Union School District superintendent, Mr. Mangan did not undergo the same process.
“[Mr. Mangan] was not looking for a new position; indeed, he is happy and successful at Homestead High School,” Myrah said in an email to Arrowhead staff. “Understandably, after we approached him, and he was interested in at least talking to us, he wanted to keep his identity completely confidential.” Thus, Mr. Mangan was interviewed by a “smaller team,” according to the press release.
Although he was not actively pursuing a new employer, Mr. Mangan said the position interested him because it presented an opportunity to more closely focus his attention. “I wasn’t really looking to leave Homestead, but when Arrowhead called I was most interested in focusing my energy on one position (activities) instead of the multiple responsibilities I have in my current job,” Mr. Mangan said.
Despite not undergoing the “multi-team, 30-plus person interview process,” Myrah is confident Mr. Mangan’s “successful experience in a similar school setting, his enthusiasm for being a Warhawk, his friendly style, leadership and communication skills will allow him to gain support and hit the ground running here at Arrowhead.”
Mr. Mangan said he will most miss “the great students and coaches [he] got to work with the last six years.” Possessing a similar level of respect for Mr. Mangan, many Homestead coaches will feel his absence. Mr. Ernie Millard, head baseball coach, described Mr. Mangan as, “without question, the finest athletic director in the state of Wisconsin. He cares deeply about the student athletes and the coaches he is responsible for and has absolutely no ego.” Nevertheless, they are happy for Mr. Mangan, who has grown to become not only a venerated activities director, but also a friend.
“Homestead is losing a tremendous activities director. He is extremely organized and a true advocate for all coaches and student-athletes,” Mr. Steve O’Brien, head boys golf coach, said. “Personally, it is bittersweet. I am seeing a good friend and leader change schools, which is a major loss for us at Homestead, but I am very happy for him and his family.”