Boys hockey team wins first game of the season
November 20, 2016
The varsity boys hockey team played their first game of the season against Marquette at the Ozaukee Ice Center on Saturday, Nov. 19.
It was a fantastic start to the season, with the team scoring in overtime to end the game with a score of 4-3.
“It was nice winning the first game of the season, and we hope to build off of it and to get better after each practice and game. We are going to work really hard and take it game by game,” Jack Curtis, junior, said.
“The boys worked hard and kept their heads up when we went down a goal. We battled back to tie the game up and eventually won in overtime. It shows that our team is willing to work hard and be positive even when things don’t go our way. It’s a great start to our season,” Jackson Katz, junior, said.
Many of the players have high hopes for the rest of the season and believe the team could go far this year. PJ Quale, junior, voiced what he thought could be in store for the coming cold months.
“If we play the way we did tonight and continue moving forward as a group, we could have a very successful season. Our team works really well together when everyone is focused, and that helps us a ton. I think this group is capable of really big things,” Quale said.
Last year, the boys worked hard to be conference champions and hope to do the same in the coming season.
“My goal for us this season is to win conference and then the section,” Quale said.
The team is looking forward to the competition and are willing to put in their all to ensure a successful season.
“The season is going to be difficult due to talent of the teams we play, so we are trying to be a hardworking team that focuses on speed and intensity. We are going to be running and working out a lot to improve on that so we have the stamina to compete for all three periods,” Nathan Schimpf, senior, said.
Rob Haswell • Nov 20, 2016 at 12:02 pm
Let’s give the JV squad their props too for a 3-1 win against Marquette to complete the perfect start to the season! Go Highlanders!