Boys varsity swim team has successful showing in invitational
The boys varsity swim team had a strong showing at the Marquette Invitational, held at the Walter Schroeder Aquatic Center on Saturday, Jan. 7, 2017. With over 20 teams competing in the invitational, the boys swam their way to eleventh place.
As a whole, the team was extremely successful in scoring points. Victories included a fourth place in the 100 Fly by Zach Teplin, sophomore, and a sixth place in the 200 Medley Relay consisting of Chris Eckhardt, Phillip Zuccaro, Gonzalo Morales, seniors, and Teplin.
“I think we swam really well as a team. I think we can all say that we are happy with the times we put up and are ready to train hard the next couple of weeks,” Teplin said.
After winning conference relays, the boys worked on setting up relays for sectionals and state.
“The team swam well. We all swam fast, hitting seasonal or lifetime bests. There were a lot of talented swimmers there, so the points we scored were huge. Our relays were set up well… we have our game plan and are ready to execute,” Eckhardt said.
As a whole, the boys worked on improving their times and several swimmers hit their personal bests.
“It feels good hitting a personal best. I like the feeling of improving and it motivates me to keep getting better and improving in the future,” Morales said.
Overall, the meet was a success and swimming against a large number of other schools allowed the boys to see how they swim in relation to other teams.
“The meet was a huge success in that the whole team swam their best and there were a lot of best times. This is a big meet with a lot of very good teams and I think that all of the swimmers really stepped it up to have another successful meet after winning Conference Relays,” Ethan Padgett, junior, said.

Sasha Milbeck is the senior Editor-in-Chief of Highlander Publications. Sasha is a self-diagnosed fontaholic and could spend all day in Room 405 if she...