Second canine drug search of the school year conducted

Alexandra Grosso

Classrooms were inspected by police officers and canines at random during the search.

During students’ second hours on Dec. 18, a “non-emergency administrative hold” occurred school wide, as a result of the school’s second canine drug search of the year. Classrooms were searched in the “interest of promoting a safe and healthy school environment,” Principal Brett Bowers stated in a letter addressed to parents and staff in regards to the search.

In the classrooms that were chosen for random searches, students were instructed to leave all of their personal items behind and to exit the classroom.  The school-wide “administrative hold” was done intentionally to keep students in their classrooms and out of the way of the officers and canines. During the hold, teacher and students conducted their normal classroom activities but were not permitted to leave classrooms.

Canine searches are planned in advance, and “[do] not occur in response to any specific situation or circumstance at Homestead,” Bowers said. No substances or concerning objects were discovered during the search.