A One Act success

Amelia Figg-Franzoi

Homestead’s One Act group smiles after their successful competition in Oshkosh on Friday, Oct 20. Talia Lansing, junior, highlights her favorite part about One Act. “The best part of competitions is being with everybody. Everyone in this class wants to do well and we have so much fun while doing it!” Lansing said.

The One Act group recently attended a district competition in Oshkosh on Friday, Oct. 20 for a chance to make it to sectionals. Sure enough, the team pulled it off and will be competing once again at the next level of competition on Nov. 16 at Homestead, performing the French comedy, Tartuffe, directed by Amelia Figg-Franzoi. 

One Act is a production that involves getting the set onstage, performing, then removing everything off stage, and on top of all that, following a strenuous time limit. 

Days leading up to the competition, Josh Kloss, junior, was anxious about how the performance would go. “At first I was super worried since we ran the show the day before our competition, and it was a little over 40 minutes long (40 minutes is the time limit), so when we went to the competition, there really was no guarantee we would pass it. Luckily, our nervous energy helped shave off 3 minutes, and the judges were super impressed with the show.”

Adding on to the success of the show, Lelia Mohsenian, junior, believed the competition went really well. “We performed one of our best runs we have ever done! It felt really great and we got a lot of great comments from our judges.”

Kaet Sisney, junior, said, “My favorite part of One Act is how every year we become this small family of actors and crew who absolutely love performing! We bring our all to rehearsal every day because we know that for our show to succeed we need to work hard and be vulnerable.” Overall, Sisney emphasized that “One Act is a class of constant change and adventure, and I wouldn’t have it any other way!”

With a similar point of view, Zack Zens, senior, shared the best moments of the performance. “Overall, by far my favorite part of the show was the audience reaction. I love to hear the audience laugh and smile along with us as the show’s story unfolds. To see my fellow cast members, at the top of their craft, play beautifully into the audience’s hearts is a truly gratifying experience.”

Looking into the future, Ethan Schlesinger, senior, said, “In the next week or so, we will review the judges critiques and use them to enhance our show. We also will run it daily and talk about the context of the show and what it is about.”

Not only is One Act a group of talented, aspiring and dedicated actresses and actors, but above all it is a family with an unbreakable bond.  In the words of Zens, “We have come a long way, but the journey has just begun and there is still hearts to capture.”