Humans of Homestead: Nicole Zhuk
“Always keep your head up, keep being nice, be the person you would want others to be to you.” Nicole Zhuk, senior, has embraced these words of wisdom from her great-grandmother. Guidance from her great-grandmother and other adults has helped Zhuk battle through the challenges of high school thus far. Zhuk’s study hall teacher, Ms. Noorlander, is one of these adults who Zhuk recounted “always kept me on track when I was struggling; she was always there to back me up.” Now offering her own advice, Zhuk encourages underclassmen to “have good friends and good relationships with certain teachers, and be comfortable to go to an adult whenever needed.”

Rowan Rembert is a junior at Homestead. At school, Rowan can usually be found in the black box, the place she has learned to call her second home. Outside...