¨When I was nine, I was flown out to California to potentially be on a TV show. And they fly out I want to say 13 kids and they only take 10 kids. So obviously three kids have to go home because they don’t make the cut to be on the TV show. And they have you go all these auditions to get to California. And I went though 50 different auditions, like zoom calls, facetime calls, I had to make a video about myself like stuff like that. And I go to California and I do a test run there and then that night you get an email saying if you made it or not. And I was one of the three kids that didn’t make it, and I’m nine and I’m crushed. But looking back on it, I think it was a positive. I don’t think I was ready. So it was a defeat, I didn’t make, I didn’t get to do what I wanted to do, but I don’t regret that happening.¨
-Hayley Rapaport, freshman
Humans of Homestead: Hayley Rapaport
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About the Contributors

Morgan Bashaw, Staffer
Morgan Bashaw is a sophomore at Homestead High School. She runs Cross Country in the fall and Track and Field in the spring. Outside of school she can be found hanging out with her friends and family.

Hayley Rapaport, Staffer
Hayley Rapaport is a sophomore at Homestead High School. Hayley is a member of the Homestead tennis team, and is also involved in a variety of clubs, and loves to volunteer. When Hayley is not at school or doing her activities she loves hanging out with her friends and family. Hayley is so excited to be a part of publications!