Early in the morning at 6:45 in Dawn Pfaff, student Council co-advisor’s classroom full of chairs and ready eyes, students listen to one of the council leaders explaining the upcoming events of Teacher Appreciation and Yearbook Signing. After spending so much time to ensure the success of Prom, they are ready to move onto the next event. Preparing an amazing end of the year fills the room as the students separate into groups to discuss events that could improve the school.
Pfaff, has been involved in Student Council for 28 years and advises all the events that Student Council works to make happen.
“Our Student Council expressed interest in having an outdoor Homecoming but our late date made that impractical. To make sure we were honoring the request, we did our dance in the cafeteria with an outdoor space in the courtyard. It was really well received! Our executive board worked very hard to make each of our traditional events a success. They tried to include all our new and young members,” Pfaff said.
Student council takes all of the student advice seriously and tries to make sure every member’s voice is heard. The Student Council Board is the real show runners, due to Student Council being a student-run club.
“This is a student leadership organization so we work hard to encourage the actions of the executive board and members so they can drive our events, ideas and activities. Ultimately our success is because of them,” Pfaff states.
Although Pfaff is there to ensure the success of the Student Council, it all comes down to the important student leaders who run the club.
One of those leaders is Amelia Horwitz, senior president. She has started to plan some of the end-of-the-year events, such as Teacher Appreciation, elections for next year’s executive board and Yearbook Signing.
“For Teacher Appreciation, we have been ordering supplies and counting up the number of staff so we can ensure all of the staff get a thoughtful note from the members of Council,” Horwitz says. She discusses the importance of recognizing the work that all the teachers at Homestead do to support students.
Another leader that helps to ensure the success of Student Council is Austin Krueger, senior communications coordinator. His role is to communicate and email. While talking with him he described the upcoming event of Yearbook Signing.
“We are going to set up a time during the fourth or fifth hour on the first day in June. We are going to go out to the football field and bring our year books out there and have 20 minutes to sign yearbooks and talk to friends and enjoy our last days at Homestead,” Krueger describes.
Doing this event requires lots of preparation, so the Student Council has currently set up two committees to help plan. One committee is the promotion committee and the second is the organization committee which plans when they will schedule a time near the last day of school and a time when we also have the yearbooks ready for every student.
Council plans spring events
Student Council board members include President Amelia Horwitz, Vice President Lauren Anderson, Secretary Alex Gaskin, Treasurer Sheba Bentum-Mensah,and Communication Coordinator Austin Krueger.
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About the Contributor

Morgan Bashaw, Staffer
Morgan Bashaw is a sophomore at Homestead High School. She runs Cross Country in the fall and Track and Field in the spring. Outside of school she can be found hanging out with her friends and family.