9 from 49: Most memorable commercials from Super Bowl XLIX

The Patriots-Seahawks game itself certainly provided its own entertainment, but the Super Bowl has come to be more than football’s biggest night; it is now the biggest night for commercials too. Below are some of the most memorable commercials from Super Bowl XLIX.

1. Skittles “Settle It”

This commercial has everything America loves, from the Old West to jorts, from babies to puppies, all packed into 30 seconds.


2. Doritos “Airplane”

“The Doritos commercial on the plane was the funniest,”Patrick Katz, senior, said. “The guy was trying to avoid having a person sitting next to him on the plane.  Then he sees the girl and immediately tries to convince her to sit next to him, but when she gets there, she has her baby and he was so disappointed.”

3. Doritos “When Pigs Fly”

The image of the pig flying through the air with a rocketship attached to its back is certainly one that will be etched into many viewers’ minds for a long time.

4. Bud Light “Real Life PacMan #UpForWhatever”

Nothing about this commercial made sense, but in the best way.  For example, the main character stumbles upon a lifesize PacMan maze, and once he completes it, he declares, “This is what I’ve wanted all day!” even though he did not know of its existence until less than one minute prior.


5. Always “#LikeAGirl”

Through revealing the presence of gender stereotypes in society today, this commercial does more than advertise its product— it inspires viewers to see mothers, daughters, sisters, wives or themselves differently.


6. Budweiser “Lost Dog”

According to Erin Reiels, senior, “The Budweiser commercial with the little puppy was my favorite.  Come on, who doesn’t love a yellow lab?”


7. Chevy Colorado “4G LTE Wi-Fi”

With a historic winter storm raging, the image of the University of Phoenix stadium that turned to static and then to black certainly was enough to captivate many midwesterners’ attention who feared the TV connection was lost.  However, when the message, “What would you do if your TV went out?” popped up on the screen, thousands of people could breathe sighs of relief.


8. Nationwide “Boy”

This commercial took a turn for the worst, displaying a boy who could never partake in typical life events because he died from a preventable accident.  Although the commercial has raised some controversy by people who found it too depressing for the Super Bowl, the nation stood by its decision to air it in a statement on its website.

9. Avocados from Mexico “First Draft Ever”

Through providing a new twist on the familiar football draft, this commercial interwound its product in with the interest of its viewers— football.
