Disease spreads through the halls of Homestead
Senioristis spreads through the halls this trimester.
Ebola, Swine Flu, Mad Cow, Senioritis. Diseases like these dominate the body and show no mercy and Senioritis is no exception. Senioritis has run rampant through the hallways of Homestead hard and fast. This unforgiving disease is commonly found in 17-18 year old high school students. Why? Because it feeds off of laziness, procrastination and Netflix binging, traits that seem to overtake the average senior’s mind.
Senioritis thrives during the warmer months, starting small in March and going full blast towards June. Parents, teachers and coaches watch their student crumble from the effects of this incurable disease.

Common side effects include: dizziness, fatigue, laziness, headaches, back-aches, nose bleeds, weakness, lack of concern, incomplete homework and a “I-am-going-to-college-so-this-does-not-matter” attitude.
According to doctorshelpsenioritis.com, to help with the side effects of this monster, one should stay well rested and skip school; engaging in school activities makes the disease spread quicker. “Every time the Senioritis acts up, I always make sure I have water around and sleep in until noon to help regain my strength,” Zach Abramovich, senior, said.
In a survey conducted by a fellow peer, 100 percent of the third trimester seniors face Senioritis in some way, shape or form. “Everyone has a little bit of Senioritis. Even teachers are starting to show symptoms of it,” Tenley Sanduski, senior, stated.
Year after year, high schools around the country are faced with this life-changing sickness. How to cope with this illness can be tricky. “I’ve seen a steady decline in seniors showing up to class without work prepared. It is pretty typical to see nowadays,” Mrs. Jennifer Zortman, math teacher, said.
To upcoming seniors, beware of the disease; once it starts, it will not stop. Senioritis is almost inevitable once college accepts you. In the meantime, work hard and play harder. Good luck.

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