Sheetal Kumar, Intro to Publications Staffer
Sheetal Kumar, commonly called ‘Sheets’ by her friends and teammates, is an energetic, fun-loving, Homestead senior who is joining the publications staff for the first time. Outside of spending time with family, Sheetal frequently finds herself enthralled by an exciting game of national team sports or a good action-spy movie. She also gets a kick out the Youtube episodes of ‘Bollywood,’ an Indian version of a gossipy tabloid-style soap opera. In addition to occupying her free time with visual entertainment, Sheetal spends a lot of time with family. She is grateful for all the wonderful travel experiences she’s had and is always looking forward to their next family trip. In terms of school life, she is in her fourth year on the track team and eagerly participates on student council. She also feels quite proud of her eleven years in piano and her two National Federation Gold Cups for competition. Besides piano, Sheetal has spent many years participating in a variety of activities like Hip Hop, tap dance, and Tae Kwon Do. Sheetal’s thoughts for a successful future lie not on possessions, but friendships made.