Freshman Friday: Miller spikes her way through freshman year

Every Friday, Highlander Publications chooses a freshman to be featured in “Freshman Friday,” giving the student population the opportunity to get to know its freshman class. Read below to learn about this week’s freshman, Lindsey Miller.

Do you play any sports?

Yes, I play volleyball, and I run track.

What other activities are you involved in at Homestead?

Other than sports, I am a part of the color guard and concert band.

Do you have any siblings? 

Yes, I have one sister who is a senior, Lauren Miller.

If you could be a sandwich, what kind would you be? Why?

If I could be a sandwich, I would be a peanut butter and jelly because it is simple and my favorite kind of sandwich.

What have you enjoyed most about high school so far?

So far, my favorite part of high school has been marching band and being able to perform at the various events like football games.

Who is your role model?

One of my role models is my sister Lauren because she has always been very successful and is always supportive of me.

If you could meet anyone (dead or alive), who would it be? Why?

I would meet my grandparents because I was never able to meet them.