Homestead experiences head lice scare

Approximately 20 students were sent home on Oct. 1 with suspected cases of head lice. All parents and guardians of Homestead students recieved a letter from Principal Brett Bowers informing them of the situation.

According to Mr. Bowers, the number of confirmed cases is minimal, but many precautions are being taken around the school to prevent the spread of the head lice.

“Head lice are spread most commonly by direct head-to-head contact” according the Center of Disease Control. In order to prevent a further spread of the head lice, students should refrain from sharing hats, brushes and other items that contact one’s head.

Mrs. Ellen Imbrie, nurse and official lice checker for the MTSD district for 20 years, further explained how to prevent lice. “In addition to not sharing items made of fabric, such as scarves and hats, students shouldn’t share anything from any material that has had close contact with their heads, even things made from plastic,” Mrs. Imbrie said. “Also, while it’s much less likely to receive lice this way, students should be careful when they sit on couches or sofas with high backs that may have touched other people’s heads.”

If a student has a confirmed case of head lice, parents or guardians should contact the student office.