New club changes aims to cast larger net of support


The clothing for the club includes a short and long sleeved shirt with the logo on the front.

It’s Friday night, and a large student section gathers in the stands to cheer on the football team. The support from students, staff and parents pumps the athletes up and displays the closeness of the Mighty Highlander community. But what about bringing this student section to every event at Homestead? The Kilt Club, a newly restored club, is making sure all that noise is present at every sport, play, concert and other events at Homestead. 

The start of the 2019-2020 school year called for many changes, including a more supportive environment throughout Homestead. The Kilt Club is being resurrected after many years to help engage students in activities and allow them to get out and cheer for one another.

“I think that we needed to work on supporting each other besides just going to football games and some hockey games and basketball games,” Joe Ciurlik, social studies teacher and co-adviser, said. 

The club was announced at the end of the 2018-2019 school year. Incoming seniors were sent an email about the direction and goals for the club, extending to communicating with students about upcoming meetings, clothing, and dates of the events to be attended.

“The goal is to make it as much driven by students as possible because this is intended to be by students for students. The idea is to meet and say ‘where are we going?’. We’re going to use Instagram and Facebook to help communicate every event we go to,”  Ciurlik said. 

While the club has only just begun, members are already hoping that these actions will have a major effect on the student body.

“I think there will be a better sense of belonging for everyone at Homestead and improved sportsmanship and positive vibes at sporting events,” Tony Navarre, special education teacher and co-adviser, said. 

The club is currently only open to seniors for the first trimester, but as second and third trimester start to roll around, juniors will be able to play a more active role throughout the club.  

“Right now we’re starting with seniors for first trimester. Then our goal is to have our seniors start mentoring juniors so when our seniors are gone, we have a new group of seniors in charge doing that,” Ciurlik said. 

As well as having an important impact on the school, the club has already proven to be a lot of fun.

“I am so excited to be apart of the Kilt Club this year I think bringing the student body together around school events is going to be such a cool experience to have senior year,” Bridget Brown, senior, said.

Other students are happy that the club is finally reaching for support for all departments in the school.

“I like being part of a club that wants to support every activity at Homestead. I appreciate that everyone wants to see their friends in not only sports but theatre and music,” Payton Kuenzi, senior, said.