Freshman Friday: Michael Birmingham

Every Friday, Highlander Publications chooses a freshman to be featured in “Freshman Friday,” giving the student population the opportunity to get to know its freshman class Read below to learn about this week’s freshman, Michael Birmingham.

What are 3 words to describe how you felt coming into Homestead?
Psyched for hockey

What’s your favorite food?
Tie for pancakes and green beans—but not together

What’s your dream job to have one day?
Right Wing for the Chicago Blackhawks

 If you could stay one age the rest of your life, what would it be?
16 because I will be able to drive

Who’s your favorite teacher you’ve had at Homestead so far?
Mr. Millard and Mr. Navarre

What’s your favorite TV show?
Stranger Things

Are you in any sports or clubs at Homestead?
Golf & Hockey

 What’s one thing you were looking forward to in high school?
Homestead Hockey and the team locker room

What’s your favorite thing to do with friends?
Climb the Lake Michigan bluff

What was the hardest transition from middle school to high school?
Waiting for my brother in the morning

What’s your favorite lunch to bring to school?
Leftover pizza from Calderone Club

Do you have any siblings?
My brother Connor is a Junior