Dreaming about the future
“I’d definitely say my biggest passions are in science. Throughout my life, I’ve changed my mind in what field I was super interested in, but I’ve realized that biology and chemistry are my favorites and I’m hoping to major in biochemistry in college. Seeing all the research being done across the world for a COVID vaccine definitely reaffirmed my passions, and I know that I’d really love to do my own research one day and be a professor too.” – Eatai Sasson, senior
About the Contributor

Ainsley Feigles, PR & Web Manager
Ainsley Feigles is a senior at Homestead High School. She has always had a passion for writing and is enjoying spending her second year with Highlander...
Dawn Pfaff • Nov 13, 2020 at 5:59 am
The future is bright for you Eatai! We need young people to embrace science and work to solve problems. You are absolutely perfect for this!