Cinderella costume crew prepares for the show

Greer Patten

Costume creation has begun for the musical Cinderella and the costume crew has started the process of getting the costumes set for the show.

The winter musical Cinderella has hit the ground running, meaning costumes are in full swing preparing for the February show. From creating townspeople to royalty to transformation dresses, the costume crew is working to get a solid start.

What the audiences won’t see at the performance is the behind the scenes preparation taking place now, two months before the show.

The musical started rehearsals Nov. 30, so the costume crew has had just under a month of work time.

“We’re at a pretty good start right now…everyone has something behind their name on the costume rack. I think that’s pretty good cause we just started,” Katie Awe, sophomore said.

There are many components of creating costumes for such a large production like Cinderella. This involves things like designing, fitting, adding and changing constantly.

The costume crew is currently “measuring different costumes and finding the right pieces for each character,” Emma Spitz, senior said.

With nearly 40 people in the show and lots of complex costumes, they’re “renting a lot of the costumes [and] just got a whole bunch of costumes in and we’ll fittings this week,” Zach Miller, senior and head of costumes said.

One of the hardest parts of creating the costumes is “getting it done in time. We’re big procrastinators unfortunately, so getting it all done is always a struggle, but we manage,” Miller said.

Most likely, everyone will have at least two costumes, including Ella, played by Amelia Eichmeier, will have two transformation dresses, and Marie, played by Ryan Bennett, will also have a transformation dress, which is a huge job, especially when they have never had to do something like it.

The costume crew is looking forward to these costumes.

“I’m really excited for Marie’s rag to riches look,” said Miller. “Fairy Godmother, I’m excited to see what that is gonna be,” Spitz said.

To enjoy these costumes all finished and put together, see the theater department’s production of Cinderella taking place Feb. 10-13, 2022.