Alex Faber, senior, said soccer, family and his pet gecko are a huge part of his life. He emphasizes that he loves his pet Gecko. He has also had a few fish and a number of cats over the years that he loves very much. Faber’s favorite sport is definitely soccer. He said, that “It’s what he’s always grown up with since his parents played it growing up as well as his older brother. Faber has had to overcome adversity time and time again dealing with two knee surgeries and having to come back from them and still play,.He said, “a time I have had to overcome adversity is when I had to get two knee surgeries one is both knees and having to come back and play.” So Faber’s strong connection with his animals and love for soccer gives him a drive every day to do better.
Humans of Homestead: Alex Faber
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About the Contributor

Ben Waraksa, Staffer
Ben Waraksa, a senior at Homestead High School, is a very determined student and athlete. When he is not at school, you will find him spending time with his family and playing hockey with his friends. He hopes to continue his hockey journey throughout his college career.