This week I’m going to talk about packing for BMT (Basic Military Training). You need to pack as light as possible, you honestly don’t need to pack hardly any clothes because when you arrive to basic you will get your PT clothing which includes the new gear consists of a jacket, pants, and two types of shorts all in dark blue with a gray stripe and the Air Force logo as well as a gray T-shirt with the Air Force logo on the upper left chest and a patterned “Air Force” across the back:
- Civilian eyeglasses (if needed; with hard case and current prescription)
- Three pairs of boxers or briefs (male)
- One belt
- Three pairs of spandex shorts (dark blue or black with no visible ornamentation)
- Six pairs of black or white non-thong-style, conservative underwear (female)
- Six black, white or blue sports bras without logos or branding (female)
- Hair bands and bobby pins that are the same color as hair (female)
- Nylons/pantyhose (not mandatory)
- Basic, conservative watch (not mandatory but highly encouraged)
When you arrive, a solid-black SOG backpack and CamelBak water bottle with the following items will be waiting for you. You will buy this backpack and these items using your EZ Pay card at your initial BX visit during the first week of training.
- Laundry bag
- Four mesh bags
- Padlock
- Two writing pens
- Two black Sharpies
- Two silver Sharpies
- Four brown towels
- Four blousing straps
- Flashlight
- ID card holder
- Reflective belt
- Ruler
- Highlighter
- Notepad
- 2-in-1 shampoo & conditioner (female only)
- Body wash (female only)
- 3-in-1 soap (male only)
- Shower shoes
- Toothbrush
- Toothpaste
- Toothbrush case
- Dental Picks
- Foot powder
- Deodorant
- Scissors
- Bath Sponge
- Laundry pods
- Box of trash bags
- Nail Clippers
- Two shirt garters
- Storage container
- Financial management book
You don’t have to use these hygiene products (travel-sized perferred) if you don’t want to you are allowed to bring and use your own.
- Deodorant
- Shampoo (travel-sized)
- Conditioner (travel-sized)
- Body wash (travel-sized, three-day supply)
- Hair ties and bobby pins/clips of same natural hair color
- Shaving cream and disposable razors (two-week supply of preferred brand)
- Hair gel (for female Airmen to meet and maintain required hair standards)
- For female Airmen, a two week supply of feminine hygiene products is mandatory.
- For female Airmen, conservative makeup may be worn.