Giving special gifts to your special one
Holiday lights plaster houses, the brisk breeze blows, and every mall is replete with last—minute holiday shoppers. The time to purchase the perfect holiday gift for your significant other is dwindling. If you have yet to conjure up the most exemplary gift idea for your loved one, here are some go-to gifts that will indeed lead to smiles.
Men are almost impossible to shop for given that they simply don’t care. Some simple gifts for the men in your life could include a pair of socks, headphones or a shirt from their favorite team. All of these items can be found at Bayshore Town Center in stores such as Champs, Sports Authority or Name of the Game.
Ladies, on the other hand, are much harder to please. Stick to the phrase “Diamonds are a girl’s best friend.” If diamonds are a little out of your price range, you could purchase some candles, flowers, a nice sweater or even chocolate. Take a trip to Sendik’s for some fresh-cut roses or Bayshore Town Center where you can peruse J-Crew, Boston Store or any other women’s clothing store in order to obtain the quintessential gift.
If you’re looking for something fun the both of you could do, try a pair of play or concert tickets. No only does your significant other get to enjoy the event, but you do too. If you’re looking for something a little less expensive, try burning a playlist of songs that remind you of your significant other; that way, you both can enjoy the music during car rides.
Shea Allen, senior, admits that it’s hard to find the ideal gift for her boyfriend. “He never tells me what he wants; he expects me to just assume,” Allen said.
If you struggle with getting gift ideas from your significant other, you can adopt Mr. Wolf’s approach to holiday shopping. “My wife has a Google doc where she puts everything she wants with the approximate price, so I can check there whenever I need to get her something,” Mr. Wolf said. This creative approach ensures that she always gets what she wants.
The holidays aren’t all about the gifts -— don’t fret because it is the thought that counts.

Kate Daniels is a senior who is definitely ready to finish her last year of high school and begin the next chapter of her life in college. When Kate isn't...