What your most recent emojis say about you
Having trouble putting your thoughts into words? Apple can fix that. In a world filled with social media apps such as Twitter and Instagram causing our conversation skills to falter, Apple provides users with 722 different ways to express themselves with the use of a single emoji.
No matter the conversation topic there is most likely an emoji to relay exactly what you want to say without actually saying it. Although there is a somewhat secret language that has resulted from the use of emojis, it is easy to decipher what each emoji suggests.
Any of these emojis are most likely used in reference to school, waking up early or homework. If you can no longer find the words to describe your rage, resort to the use of one of these. “I mostly use these emojis to describe my dislike for something; they easily get my point across,” Mckenzie Quinlevan, senior, said.
If you’re in a more upbeat mood, any one of these emojis can convey happiness. The widespread use of the classic kissy face can be used towards your best friend or your lover, showing that you care without typing an in-depth message. Gaby Geiger, junior, said, “I constantly use these emojis with my friends.”
This set of emojis speaks to female population. Pink shirt girl is a sassy and confident addition to the end of any witty message. Your level of sass can easily be shown through your use of these emojis.
If you’re cool, calm, and collected, chances are one of these emojis appears in your recents. The sunglass face or the thumbs-up emojis display confidence as well as your ability to be okay with almost any plan. “I use these emojis when I can’t only use words to express how I feel,” Stefania Potter, freshman, said.
Then there are myriad of emojis that no one can decipher the meaning of. If you find yourself falling into this category, you might want to reevaluate your emoji use.
What would conversations be like if we actually had to use words? Thanks to 21st century technology and Apple’s innovative apps, we can continue to avoid actually forming sentences.

Kate Daniels is a senior who is definitely ready to finish her last year of high school and begin the next chapter of her life in college. When Kate isn't...