Exploring 9 essentials of body language


Body language is essential to effective communication. “Dr. Albert Mehrabian, author of Silent Messages, “found that 7% of any message is conveyed through words, 38% through certain vocal elements and 55% through nonverbal elements,” according to the Nonverbal Group.

Aside from the spoken word, a universal language exists among everyone across the globe: body language. According to Albert Mehrabian, UCLA professor, 55 percent of communication stems from body language, 38 percent stems from tone of voice and seven percent stems from actual words.

Body language allows people to discern anger, excitement and jealousy from across a room. Additionally, body language serves as way to identify lies, nerves and signs of intimidation. Understanding how to read and emit body language is a useful skill, both in everyday interactions and in the professional world.

In her article, “12 Body Language Tips for Career Success,” Carol Kinsey Goman said, “When properly used, body language can be your key to greater success.” Check out the Steller above for several key examples of body language and what they could indicate.