Surviving final exams


Final exams, the culminating point to every trimester, are just around the corner. As students prepare to prove to their teachers that they have retained all the information learned throughout the trimester, some may begin to crack under the pressure. But do not worry! Take a look at these tips to surviving your second trimester exams below.


Prioritize Your Exams

When beginning to study for the exams that may lay in front of you, pick the most difficult subjects to study for first. Practicing information you already know is just a waste of time so keep material you already know for lighter review. Christal Hearn, junior, says the best way to study is by “sectioning off time and studying the things [she] doesn’t understand.”


It sounds like a no brainer, but studying is ideal when it comes down to final exams. Most students will wait until the last possible minute, don’t be one of those students! Starting earlier with exam prep will allow for the information to become solidifies in your brain, so crack a book and start studying! “Remember to rest in between long nights of studying,” Micha Schroeder, senior, reminds us.

Look Over Old Notes

If you have been taking notes throughout the trimester, now is the time to look them over. Due to the fact notes are essentially the most important information learned throughout the trimester they will be the most helpful in remembering key points.

Talk to Teachers

Ask a question when you have them. Other students in your classes more than likely will have the same questions you have so they may be beneficial to the whole group.

Meet With Friends

Make study sessions with your friends who are in the same class. Change the setting from your room to a coffee shop or café to keep the energy going. Ashley Landon, junior, says “coffee, review packets, and more coffee” help her while studying for exams.

Follow The Review Guide

Most teachers will supply you with a review guide at least a week before the exam, so follow the guide. When students do not abide by the review guide they often miss important information or they study to much, stressing themselves out by memorizing information that is not actually necessary.

Attend a Review Session

A.P. students listen up! Some regular classes and a lot of A.P. classes supply students with the opportunity to attend a review session where the teacher goes over the most important information students should remember and refreshes their memories.

For more ways to survive your final exams this trimester see what USA Today has to say by clicking here.