Socks and sandals: Rad or bad?


“I love wearing socks with sandals because they’re really comfy and can fit with a lot of different outfits,” Sasha Shapsis, freshman, said.

Socks and sandals- a combination for the fashion police, or the newest and most stylish way to wear your favorite pair of Chacos year-round?

As the winter season is approaching and the Wisconsin weather is getting colder, sweatshirts and sweatpants will soon be pulled out of closets. But the question is, what shoes to wear with them?  Wearing boots day after day gets boring after a while and Converse don’t go with everything.

This fact begs the question- are socks and sandals a rad combination or a bad one?

Whether they’re Birkenstocks or Chacos, the Homestead population is divided- one half loving the trend, while the other half despises it.  “The socks and sandals trend is definitely rad. Slip on a fuzzy pair of socks, strap on your Chacos and you’re ready for school,” Caity Hessling, senior, said.

Although many people, like Hessling, love the combination, other people would have to disagree.  “It’s a terrible trend that I really am not a fan of,” Izzy Schack, senior, said. “If you want your feet to stay warm, what’s the point of wearing sandals instead of closed toe shoes?”  

Which side are you on? Are socks and sandals a rad trend that should continue, or a bad trend that needs to stop immediately?

Are sock with sandals rad or bad?

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