Hope remains strong for boys fall soccer season

The Homestead boys varsity soccer team huddle before a big match against Marquette during the 2019 season.
When considering the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, many people think about the present complications relating to the virus.The Boys Varsity Soccer team, however, is thinking about how this pandemic will affect their fall season.
Coach Tony Navarre has high hopes for his team’s upcoming 2020 fall season and said he hopes his players are meeting his current level of anticipation for the season while following social distancing guidelines due to the virus.
“The hope is that players are doing their best to stay fit while they cannot connect,” Navarre said.
The players, who are also excited for their upcoming season, are doing everything to keep themselves in shape. Player Samuel Walton,sophomore, said he has been keeping in shape during the pandemic. “I do my own fitness and soccer-related workouts to make sure I am staying fit,” Walton said.
Not only are the players keeping in shape and in tune with their soccer skills during this pandemic, they are also keeping in touch with one another on virtual meetings.
Player Jack Boegel, sophomore, said that his team has been meeting up and working out together on Zoom, a virtual meeting platform.
“It’s a great way for the team to interact with each other and stay in shape,” Boegel said.
Interactions like these are what players like Walton and Boegel describe as making the most of the current situation and it is something they look forward to.
Aside from the beneficial Zoom calls and at-home workouts done by the players, there are some concerns regarding their upcoming season. The WIAA has not yet released a statement about whether the 2020 season is going to be cancelled or not. Not only are the senior players who will not be able to play soccer their last year at Homestead saddened by this but so are all the athletes on the team. Although this is disappointing, the boys are doing everything they can to take advantage of this time of isolation and quarantine.
The team is taking a positive approach to the COVID-19 pandemic by staying in shape and practicing at home, whether their upcoming season is happening or not.
When asked if their goals for the season will remain the same, Coach Navarre said, “Our season goals have not changed. We want to compete for the North Shore Conference title and make it to the state tournament.”

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