Freshmen reflect on first year as Highlanders

The Highlander Walkway is one of the first things freshmen see as they arrive at Homestead for the first day of high school. One the first day of school the Highlander Walkway is filled with students, it really makes the first day of school a reality. “It was pretty intimidating,” Elle Liniewski, freshman, said.

The Highlander Walkway is one of the first things freshmen see as they arrive at Homestead for the first day of high school. One the first day of school the Highlander Walkway is filled with students, it really makes the first day of school a reality. “It was pretty intimidating,” Elle Liniewski, freshman, said.

Will I get lost? What if I can’t find my classes? Will we get a ton of homework? It is going to be stressful? I hope all the teachers are nice.

As students anticipate their first day of freshman year, these common thoughts run through their heads.

Though many worries come to mind, there are also many fun and interesting things about high school, depending on the situation.

“It was scary and exciting at the same time,” Kacie Gross, freshman, said about her first day of school. Many freshmen like Gross had conflicting feelings about their first day. “I was scared but looking forward to it,” Rachel Writz, freshman, said.

Others were nervous for their specific reasons. “I was scared because everyone is so much taller than me,” Cooper Hunt, freshmen, said. My neck hurt from looking up so much,” Hunt said.

We can’t forget to talk about the freshmen’s first Homecoming on Saturday, Oct. 11. This year’s theme was all about superheros. “It was really fun, and I liked the theme” Gross said. Although some people enjoyed Homecoming, some people didn’t enjoy it as much. “[Homecoming was] not that fun,” Hunt said, about his experience.

Taking exams for the first time can also prove very nerve-racking for many freshmen, and even for students in other grades. “I was very nervous since I had never taken them,” Writz said.

Reflecting on freshman year, Hunt recalled his favorite part as “the teachers” while Writz enjoyed “Meeting new people.”

Gross disliked “all the homework” and Writz disliked “the separation of classes, for example when I had math first trimester and then again third trimester, and I forgot a lot of the info.”

Freshman year has many mixed emotions from start to finish, and depending on the person, everyone’s perspective and experience is different and unique. One thing is for certain, though. The Class of 2018 is almost one year closer to graduation.