Student earns opportunity to participate in ‘Girls Who Code’ in Washington D.C.
While the last few weeks of school are dwindling down, Camryn Reid, junior, will be preparing for what her 2017 summer to be spent expanding her coding skills. For seven weeks Reid will interning for Girls Who Code, an organization dedicated to promoting girls in coding, where she will be learning and working in Washington D.C.
Reid heard about this opportunity from her older sister who lives in Washington D.C., and was both surprised and excited to find out she had been chosen for the chance to work with Girls Who Code. Reid and 20 other girls will also be working with Salesforce, a company that helps startups analyze and better their relationships with customers. The program will teach the girls a new language of code and will also allow the girls to make their own project to show to their families when the seven weeks are up.
“I’m really excited to be living with my sister and this opportunity is going to open up so many doors for my future and for college opportunities,” Reid said.
Although she is not quite sure about her future, Reid hopes to major or minor in coding during college. “I think even if I don’t go anywhere with it, its a good skill to just have going into any job,” Reid said.
The Girls Who Code company shares this mindset. They want to close the gender gap in technology. Right now only 18% of all computer science graduates are women, that is a decrease from 1984 when 34% of graduates were women (Girls Who Code).
Currently, at Homestead Reid has taken Intro to Programming and is in Advanced Programing this trimester. Reid is one of three girls in her Advanced Programming class and wishes to see more girls take the class.
In fact, Reid and some girls are looking to create a Girls Who Code chapter at Homestead by the end of this year or beginning of next year. Reid believes she will come out of this summer with new ideas for the club along with many great memories to share.

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