Q&A with new English teacher Ms. Ashley Pozel

Ms. Ashley Pozel has so far felt extremely welcomed by the staff and students at Homestead, and calls her move to Homestead an “easy transition”.

Progressing into your second trimester at a new school can be a time of growth and reflection. Ms. Ashley Pozel, one of Homestead’s newest English teachers has used this time to her advantage to brainstorm ideas, make changes and enjoy her new trimester experience.

Q: How did you feel first trimester went and why?

A: It was a little crazy with adjusting to a new school and new classes, but I’m really happy with some of the ideas I came up with, and I’m looking forward to making changes to other things in future trimesters. I really loved all my kids though, so overall it was really successful and always fun being at school.


Q: What are your feelings and thoughts going into second trimester?

A: I’m excited that I get to reteach some of the same classes so I can make changes and do new things I didn’t have time to do the first time through. I’m sad to not see some of my students every day in class anymore, but I already really enjoy my new classes, and I still get to see everyone around school throughout the week, so it’s been an easy transition.


Q: How does it feel to be a part of the Homestead community?

A: Great! It’s always nerve-wracking to start something new, but I’ve been so welcomed by everyone here that it’s made it much easier to feel like a genuine part of the community and atmosphere.